Youtube Ontology Documentation
Object Properties
- categorized_under: Specifies the category classification of a video on the platform.
- comments_on: Represents a user leaving a comment on a video.
- community: Represents the collective group of users interacting on YouTube.
- creates: Defines the relationship between a user and a channel.
- includes: Defines the relationship between a channel and a video.
- likes: Represents a user expressing their opinion by liking or disliking a video or comment.
- shares: Indicates that a user has shared a video on social media or other platforms.
- subscribes: Indicates that a user has subscribed to a channel to receive updates on its content.
- uploads: Defines the relationship between a user and a video, indicating that the user has uploaded the video to the platform.
Data Properties
- channelID: Specifies the ID of a channel.
- dislikeCount: Specifies the count of dislikes on a video.
- duration: Specifies the duration of a video.
- likeCount: Specifies the count of likes on a video.
- playlistID: Specifies the ID of a playlist.
- subscriberCount: Specifies the count of subscribers for a channel.
- timestamp: Specifies the timestamp of a video upload.
- userID: Specifies the ID of a user.
- videoID: Specifies the ID of a video.
- viewCount: Specifies the count of views on a video.
- Activity: Represents various activities or actions performed by users on the YouTube platform.
- Category: Represents a category or genre classification for videos on YouTube.
- Channel: Represents a channel on YouTube, which is a collection of videos created by a user.
- Comment: Represents a comment on a video.
- CommentOn: Represents the action of leaving a comment on a video.
- Dislike: Represents the action of disliking a video or comment.
- Education: Represents videos related to educational content.
- Entertainment: Represents videos related to entertainment content.
- Gaming: Represents videos related to gaming content.
- Guest_User: Represents a guest user on YouTube.
- Like: Represents the action of liking a video or comment.
- Music: Represents videos related to music content.
- MusicVideo: Represents videos containing music content.
- Playlist: Represents a playlist of videos.
- Registered_User: Represents a registered user on YouTube.
- Shorts: Represents YouTube short videos.
- Subscribe: Represents the action of subscribing to a channel.
- Upload: Represents the action of uploading a video.
- User: Represents a user on YouTube.
- Video: Represents a video uploaded to the YouTube platform.
- Vlog: Represents personal or diary-like videos.
- Anjola: A registered user with the ID "H0270989".
- Francis: A registered user with the ID "YT9879R9".
- Naveen: A registered user with the ID "GY08202JUF".
- Rockson: A registered user with the ID "U70975087".
- Educational_Videos: An individual representing educational videos.
- Entertainment_Videos: An individual representing entertainment videos.
- FunnyVideo: A music video categorized under entertainment, uploaded by Naveen.
- KKR_Tutorial: A music video categorized under education, uploaded by Anjola.
- Learn_With_Anjo: A channel created by Anjola with subscribers Francis and Naveen.
- TravellingVideo: A shorts video categorized under entertainment.
- WeekendPartyVideo: A vlog categorized under entertainment.